Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Optional Class Notes Paper 1 by Abhijeet Agarwal CSE Rank 24 in English for UPSC Mains Entrance and Other Competitive Exam Preparations 2022. Notes Possesses 6 Spiral Bound Booklet and a total no of 2030 pages. (This Material is Printed Photocopy Study Material Printed with Advanced Printer Photocopy Machine)
Following are the booklets that Complete the Notes:-
I – Physical Chemistry:-
- Paper-I Chapter 1 to 3 :-
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Bonding
- Solid State
2. Paper-I Chapter 4 to 6 :-
- Gaseous State
- Liquid State
- Thermodynamics
3. Paper-I Chapter 7 to 9 :-
- Phase Equilibria
- Electro Chemistry
- Kinetics
II – Inorganic Chemistry:-
- Paper-I Chapter 10 to 12 :-
- PhotoChemistry
- Surface Phenomena & Catalysis
- Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
2. Paper-I Chapter 13 :-
- Co-ordination Chemistry
3. Paper-I Chapters 14 to 15 :-
- Mains Group Chemistry
- General Chemistry of F-Block Elements